Narrative Poetry · Poetry · Portrait Series Poetry · Sad Poems

Portraits Poetry Series #26: She Said Goodbye…

Portraits Series
She walked away
In the rain
And he could see it
Slow motion details
But the view was blurry
Every detail stuck in his mind
The way she swayed
The clack of her heels
On the pavement
Her sad, gray umbrella
Lifted high
To refuse one last look
He was broken then –
But no words could rise
She had said goodbye
But his throat was dry
His voice cracked
No words escaped
And the remnants
Of everything he had worked hard for
Poured forth from his heart
Spilled from his lips
Fell from his eyes
Mixed with the rain
And vanished
Like the sounds of her clacking heels
The smell of her perfume
The feel of her embrace
She faded from sight
But the ache was still present.

© Sumyanna 2016

27 thoughts on “Portraits Poetry Series #26: She Said Goodbye…

  1. ahhh,i can feel the ache…Sum i envy that pen of your’s i could see this as if i were watching a movie.hats off!!! love your portrait poetry,perfect word for it 🙂 love and hugs


    1. So cool that you could see that. I saw the image and just felt all of that. That is a huge compliment 🙂 Thank you and I keep writing them. I think I have 70 or so by now, so I will be sharing more.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. please do and what i find great about this is that it is you writing for a picture but posting without one and you are so good at it that i can actually see the picture 🙂 that is a gift Sum,keep at it…love and hugs


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