Digital Microscope Photography · Macro Photography · Photography · Photography Experiments

Photography: Through the Lens of a Microscope (Part #5)

I’ve still been experimenting a little, I hope you don’t mind my play.  I think, perhaps, over time I will develop a more keen view but I am enjoying the results.  Today, I am going to showcase a set of photos I did using a bowl, some water, oil, and some red and yellow food dye.  Let’s just say I was bored and wondered what I could come up with.  I hope you enjoy the images, none of them were altered (save the boring image of the bowl :-))





















8 thoughts on “Photography: Through the Lens of a Microscope (Part #5)

      1. We have a microscope and we have looked at everything under it, I just don’t know how to photograph with it.
        I had a muscle biopsy and my doctor took a picture of my biopsy slide and it is fascinating.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Our microscope is a much cheaper version we found online. It is a digital microscope so it actually has a camera with it. I think the older ones don’t have that capability. When I get the chance, I might want to get a real one – and find it with a camera. To me, that would be really interesting to see!


          1. Oh i didnt know they came with cameras. Ours is ancient! My cousin sent it to us and it could be 40 or so years old but we have looked at blood, hair, things we find outside like a moth’s wing that was in a spider web or just a spider web. I love to see things from a different perspective.


          2. Yes, now they do. It’s pretty nifty. The kids just love using it but we are hoping to get a more powerful one (probably more like yours) that also has a camera. The house is full of people who love experimenting 🙂


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