Historical Portrait Poetry · Poetry · Sad Poems · Thoughtful Poems

Freedom is Losing Her Voice, a poem


If only,
there was more kindness…
It is not enough –
to share it only
with those we know,
nor to share it only
where there is a need
but it would be nice,
wouldn’t it
if our thoughts always
turned to…
what would I want
to happen to me?
But instead, our thoughts
are always
inwardly focused
and our hands often open
only for those we know
and words of kindness
often fall from our lips
when we want something
in return.
Curious isn’t it?
That something so simple
should prove so difficult,
yet we wait for others
to solve the world’s problems.
We wait for the warning call
before rising from the couch
and demanding change,
or perhaps we shall wait
till our own kind
are persecuted in the streets
their own labels
neatly pinned to their chests
Freedom is quickly losing her voice
and the evidence is overwhelming.

(c) Sumyanna 2017

Wonderful image courtesy of Pixabay.com

4 thoughts on “Freedom is Losing Her Voice, a poem

  1. Excellent poem!! So true about ‘rising from the couch and demanding change’. We live in a weird society. Almost feels unreal at times… complete fiction. 😦


  2. ‘perhaps we shall wait
till our own kind
are persecuted in the streets’ … oh for us all to realise that every other human is our own kind. Thank you for putting words to this despair and the vision that it truly is possible to have care for all


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