Daily Post Prompt · inspirational · Thinking Out Loud · Word Prompt

Hold on to that Tenacious Spirit


Sometimes I find strength in inspirational words.  I think that over the years and through many struggles, I have found they lend me the strength I needed to keep on going.  Life – just isn’t always easy, for anyone I believe.  I find there is a lot of truth found in inspiring lines and though some may find it silly… it helps get through the pain.


I can definitely say that I am fortunate, to sometimes be able to spend my time lending inspiration to others as others have done for me when I needed it.  If anyone, I hope to give you a smile or that little kick to the backside to know YOU CAN DO THIS.  Know that, if anything – I do it with a lot of love in my heart.  You matter.  Always.


As you go through life, no matter the odds against you… hold close to that tenacious spirit that absolutely refuses to give up.  I have met many in life, that have struggled.  Truly this spirit walks step in step with them and makes them a beautiful sight.






(c) Sumyanna 2017

Submitted for The Daily Post Prompt: tenacious

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