Daily Post Prompt · Inspirational Poems · Nature Poems · Poems for Writers · Poetry · Thoughtful Poems · Word Prompt

Clouds Exposed an Azure Sky, a poem



I heard
the gentle breaths
of sunflowers
rising toward the sun
and I laid in grasses,
their long exhale.
It was here,
that I counted
the clouds
slowly passing.
My heart –
loudly crying out
at their celestial display,
where swaths of white
danced merrily,
quickly exposing
azure skies
that sparkled
in the morning sun.
above the trees
I heard the lilting songs
of blue jays and robins
while catching sight
of soaring geese
across the cloudy skies.
This is where
my poetry is born
and where
my stories are sewn –
they are locked away
for many a year
and some, perhaps
will never be known,
but these moments
are cherished,
all the same.
Today, I laid
in a field of grasses,
to the gentle breaths
of sunflowers
and found these words…
and found these words…

© Sumyanna 2017


Submitted for The Daily Post Prompt: exposed

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