Daily Post Prompt · Free Verse Poetry · Inspirational Poems · Poems for Writers · Poetry · Thoughtful Poems · Word Prompt

The Heart of a Poet



Bury me
in the truths
of my pen
and lay me
down to rest
in fields of splendor
where wild flowers
rise to touch the sky
and the sunshine
never ends.
May I find shelter
beneath the sway
of weeping willow
arms outstretched
wide and elegant
whose subtle dance
shall settle
my weary heart
and I shall find peace
in the silence
of summer morn.
Yes, even in death,
the poet hopes
and dreams
reality – it seems
may never
taste as sweet
but it matters not,
where truth
for beauty of heart
cannot be tamed
nor defined
with rigid hand –
the heart of a poet,
I hold in reverence.

©  Sumyanna 2015


Submitted for The Daily Post Prompt: bury

Beautiful image courtesy of Pixabay.com

20 thoughts on “The Heart of a Poet

  1. This one right here just so speaks to me as a poet. This is well written and really hits home for us poetic artists. Your style of writing is very inspiring and really hits the heart, keep doing what you do my fellow poet!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much – and so glad it means something to you. There is something about the way poetry is expressed… in no matter what form, that just touches the heart in some way. I am honored to be with the many talented poets out there celebrating her beauty 🙂

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