Daily Post Prompt · Mountains · Nature Photography · Photo Challenge · Photography · Water

Seeking the Rounded Edge

This week’s photography challenge at The Daily Post is rounded.  In my photography, I don’t think I ever seek a certain edge, whether rounded or straight.  Instead, I would like to believe I like to seek a story.  As a writer, I guess you could really not ever separate yourself from this… no matter the tool you pick up.  I just find beauty… in all different places.


I know, I’m not one with much technique (and that does not really bother me), instead I just take the photographs so that I have something left behind as a reminder I was there.  I somehow try to seize the moment, along with its story so that I can somehow go back and feel the way I felt, see what I saw, and experience what I experienced.


I don’t know if this is the take on photography everyone experiences, but I guess you could say that this is why I bother to bring my camera with me.  In my mind, I am capable of recreating those moments as if I am still there… and it brings me much peace.  So today I share with you images where I felt rounded edges were prominent, whether the rounded edges of sun sinking into the horizon, the rounded edges of earth and stone that are molded by the rushing sea, or the rounded edge of hills and mountains against the shadows of rounded clouds.  I hope you enjoy.


(c) Sumyanna 2017


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5 thoughts on “Seeking the Rounded Edge

  1. My favourite photography book of all time is “Photography and the Art of Seeing” by Freeman Patterson. Your local library might have a copy…



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